
Your experts in Russian, Polish, Czech and Slovak

As sworn translators and specialists in the languages and cultures of Central and Eastern Europe, we can assist you in Russian, Polish, Czech and Slovak.

Languages and cultures

Each working in their native language, our team are imbued with the local cultures and fully aware of their social and economic aspects. Working both in Belgium and in the countries concerned, they get the original messages across while respecting local expectations and specificities.

We translate from and into:

Other languages, such as Latvian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Croatian, Serbian, Slovene and Bulgarian, are available on request.

Sectors of activity

With our thorough knowledge of local markets, we offer language services that support your objectives.

We choose our staff for their technical knowledge and their mastery of specialised terminologies.

All our team are sworn translators and are authorised to translate legal texts.

Our regular clients include:

Businesses, private individuals, public services, educational establishments, legal and juridical services, commercial departments, the transport and mobility sector, logistics services, and actors in distribution, tourism, culture, sustainable development and video game publishing... So how about you?